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I’m sorry. I just do. Even now, looking at you, I have a strong urge just to climb up on the table and let you fuck me on top of our food. Or ride you in your chair. Exes bring excitement and danger with just enough of the known and comfort and security of a past love to really arouse and stimulate me. I’ll tell you a secret, papi. There isn’t an ex in the world who couldn’t get into my panties, no matter how hard or bad the break-up was. As far as I’m concerned, if we’ve dated for any. Before I could stop her she was choking on the ring. Oh my god I thought I killed her. She coughed and gagged I could see her swallowing to clear the obstruction. Suddenly she grabbed a glass of water and drank it this did the trick and she caught her breath.After she had calmed down a bit I explained that I wanted us to be together and she had just swallowed a £3500 engagement ring. How the hell are we going to get it back I said when we returned to our hotel room? We’ll just have to let. .. She could take care of herself – that much was obvious. Honestly, he pitied any stupid noble who thought she’d be an easy way to get at him; Leliana would eat an old hag like Esmerelle for breakfast. In her sleep. That wouldn’t save her from the terrible things that would happen to her reputation, though, and yet ... the idea of walking away from her, when he’d only just managed to even approach her ... He couldn’t. He wouldn’t, not unless things got too dangerous. He’d keep things discreet,. Kal tossed her away and the rock girl flew much further than he expected considering the amount of power it had taken to lift her, he could feel the heat from the strength rune through the leather of his bracer, he wouldn’t be able to do that many more times. The woman landed nearly at the opposite wall, her feet stuck to the floor as if glued there but momentum bent the rest of her body backwards. To Kal’s surprise, the rocky part of her head bounced off the side of the cave instead of sinking.
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